Jessica Hurst
- Cloth Simulation Solvers: Maya Classic Cloth, Maya Nucleus Cloth, Syflex.
- Cloth Patterning: Marvelous Designer.
- Traditional Animation and Computer Animation.
- Clothed and Nude Figure Drawing, Animal Drawing.
- Computer Related: Maya, Syflex, nCloth, Tango, Adobe After Effects, Premiere, Illustrator, Photoshop; Pro Tools; Painter.
- Framestore
London, United Kingdom
January 2012 - July 2012 - Creature Effects Technical Director
Project: Gravity -
Tailor patterns using Marvelous Designer to output meshes for modeling
of high-resolution costume.
Set up costume for simulation. Setup corrective shape creation by working with rigging. Support artists with costume once created and in shot. Ran shots and post-fixed any intersections post simulation.
Solver used: nCloth.
- Lucasfilm Animation
May 2011 - November 2011 - Cloth Technical Director / Sr. Visual Effects Artist
Unannounced Project -
Prepare the characters for costume setup and extract sim meshes from high-resolution models.
Worked closely with modeling department to create test-runs of the costume before high-res garment was finished. Both for sizeing and get a pre-sim for proper model draping.
Solver used: PhysBAM
- Rising Sun Pictures
Adelaide, S.A. Australia
March 2010 - September 2010 - Cloth Technical Director
Project: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 -
Prepped the Dementor character for costume setup for setup artist by creating
collision body, hood mesh, and modifying sim mesh for better interaction.
Assisted in setup of costume for character, ran simulations for shots and resimmed or post-fixed any problems according to direction of the shot.
Solver used: nCloth
- Sony Pictures Imageworks
Culver City, CA
November 2008 - February 2010 - Cloth Technical Director
Project: Alice In Wonderland -
Set up costumes for CG characters and body doubles based on concept art, cg models, and the
costumes used on set. Specific characters setup: Stayne, Alice Growing dress, March Hare, White Queen Horse, Frog Footmen, and Monkeys, co-setup Tweedles.
Run "one-off" shots that could not run smoothly "out of the box." Support artists using the costumes the setup artists created.
Solver used: In-house solver, Tango
- ImageMovers Digital
San Rafael, CA
December 2007 - November 2008 - Cloth Technical Director
Project: A Christmas Carol -
Setup on costumes based on concept art, physical costumes, and art direction. Work with modeling department on creation of sim garments and beauty garments.
Solver used: nCloth
- Sony Pictures Imageworks
Culver City, CA
April 2007 - September 2007 - Cloth & Hair Technical Director
Project: Beowulf -
Ran cloth and hair simulation for shots on Beowulf. Tweak hair simulations
and garments as needed for the camera view, action of characters, and the direction of the shot.
Solver used: Maya Cloth
- Bardel Entertainment
Vancouver, B.C. Canada
January 2007 - April 2007 - CG Modeler
Project "Chaotic" - CG Modeler for Flash Animated TV Show entitled "Chaotic." Modeled, textured, rendered and rigged various props and machines in Maya according to art direction and given designs.
"Death Dance"
January 2004 - December 2006
Director, Animator - San Francisco, CA
Short film currently on hiatus, Directed a team of people on modeling, texturing, rigging, and music. Animated characters and ran cloth simulations.
"Captain Contemplation"
September 2004 - May 2005
Technical Animator - San Francisco, CA
Created and worked on the Cloth Simulation for the main character's cape in short produced by students.
Academy of Art University
San Francisco, CA
Master Of Fine Arts, Computer Animation
Graduation Date: December 2005
California State University Northridge
Northridge, CA
Bachelor of Art, Traditional Animation
Graduation Date: Spring 2002
Graduated Cum Laude, 3.5 GPA
Activities and Honors:
- Link to my IMDB Credits: Jessica Hurst
- Historical and fictional costuming (sewing, fabrication, etc-)
- MFA Graduate Representative
Animation and Visual Effects Department, Academy of Art University; Spring 2005 through Fall 2005 - Presidents Honor Roll, Academy of Art University, Fall 2003
References upon request.