Digital Costume Setup
CG Characters and Digital Doubles
On Alice in Wonderland, garment construction was split up between myself and another artist
The costumes I constructed include:
- Alice Growing Dress
- Stayne
- Monkeys
- Frog Footmen
- White Queen Horse
- Humptys (dual work with other artist)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (pt.1)
I worked on the Dementor Costume Setup with another setup artist. Although we had some reference and targets to hit as far as look was concerned based on the previous movies, we still had to do a lot of reconstruction of the actual garment and collision body.
As this is an upcoming film, and I will add details after the release date.
Until then, if you are interested in contacting me about further information about my work and how I can help with your productions special needs, please email me.